Adult Groups
Thank you for taking an interest in the small group ministries here at VUMC. Our desire is to provide opportunities for you to grow and experience the love of God in Christ through fellowship, study, and service.
The purpose of our small groups is to give you a place to develop Christ-centered relationships within our church family. We hope you will take some risks and go beyond what's comfortable, and meet some new folks. These small groups meet together to discuss issues we face in everyday life including finances, family, marriage, spiritual growth, and men's/women's interests, and help to create a support network for many of life's encounters. You'll be encouraged to live the abundant life Jesus promised. In addition, our Bible study groups exist to explore a specific biblical topic, doctrine or book of the Bible. Through in-depth study, teaching and discussion, you will expand your knowledge of the Bible.
Please take a little time and look through this listing of groups, then you can make some choices about what may fit your individual or family needs. If you have any questions regarding current groups offered, times, or locations, please contact us or view the calendar for more information!
Building Relationships with God and Other; a class for Christian ideas to deal with what life throws your way. This class meets during Sunday School in the library
We will begin the following Book Study on September 22nd. We have decided to alter the class schedule slightly to accommodate the Resurgence and Heritage sessions.
2024 DATES:
We will have class from 10:00-11:00 on the following dates: 9/22, 9/29, 10/13,10/20, 10/27, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24, 12/8, 12/15, 12/22.
On 10/6, 11/3, 12/1 There will be a Coffee Connection time from 10:30-11:00(Location TBD) This way those of us who want to attend Resurgence can at 9:30 and those who want to attend Heritage at 11:00 can.
We will be taking part in the following:
CONTEXT: Josh Scott’s Context examines verses we know by heart but may not know the people, places, and times that give them meaning. Scott delves into these well- known Scripture verses, exploring their true meanings by examining them in their original biblical context. Through this process, he unveils fresh and enlightening interpretations that are often missed when these Scriptures are taken out of context. If Bible study intimidates you, Context is a six-week Sunday book discussion on familiar Bible verses and the context, setting, event, or idea of that verse. Come dip your toes in a “lite” Bible study experience through discussion and video.
This will be the first 6-8 weeks .
AN UNLIKELY ADVENT: During this Advent season, Rachel Billups guides readers through the themes of hope, love, joy, and peace by sharing the stories of Elizabeth and Zechariah, Herod, the Magi, and the shepherds. Each set of unexpected characters has something to teach about living faithfully on the journey to Christmas.
This will be the final 4 weeks taking us up to the new year.
Adult Sunday School
Meets to discuss the Bible in our everyday lives, mainly through the use of DVDs and books from such teachers as Ray VanderLaan and Max Lucado. It includes Scripture readings followed by directed discussions, with ample “open” time to discuss what is on our minds. Meet in Fish Room (Room 125).
Sew What Now God
Join our weekly sewing group today!
Pub Theology @ The Distant Whistle
On the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m., starting Sep. 7, I (Greg) will be at the bar looking for meaningful conversations and building relationships. So what is “Pub Theology”? In a nutshell, it is people sitting around a table, talking about issues of faith and philosophy, ethics and ideas over a beverage. It is a safe space, where people can be open and honest about topics of faith, ask any questions, and at the end of the night, know that it is perfectly fine if we disagree with one another. I will not preach and no one is going to make anyone pray, sign a faith statement, or tithe. In other words, it has nothing to do with the church. To be clear, beer is not a requirement. And yet a neighborhood bar or a local craft brewery can make a great setting, and beer signals that this is a laid-back time, despite the topics being discussed. That said, non-alcoholic beverages are available, and everyone is welcome, regardless of beverage choice. Pub Theology is not an evangelism program. It is not about gathering a bunch of “unchurched” folk together and giving a gospel presentation. Pub Theology is not a lecture, where one expert pontificates to everyone else and only one opinion is present. Pub Theology is not a Bible study at the bar. It is not a Christian “small group.” It is an open conversation, where anyone is able to share their thoughts about life and faith, including atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Buddhists, and everyone in between. An open conversation, by its very nature, will welcome everyone, including non-Christians, humanists, and people of all ethnic, religious and sexual orientations. In other words, Pub Theology seeks to be the welcoming space that churches often claim to be, but generally, for one reason or another, are not. Research shows that the youngest generations are less and less interested in church as an institution, and do not regularly attend any worship services. Yet they remain very interested in spirituality and religion. All of which makes a Pub Theology gathering as timely as ever. So, yes, it is true! I am at the bar having a good time!