Philosophy and Curriculum Statement

Heart and Hands Preschool uses The Creative Curriculum. The Creative Curriculum System for Preschool uses broad themes such as trees, balls and buildings to provide hands-on investigative style lessons covering nine objectives for development and learning. These objectives are: social-emotional, physical, language, cognitive, literacy, mathematics, science/technology, social studies and the arts. We also use Handwriting Without Tears workbooks to practice early writing skills and letters.

At Heart and Hands Preschool children learn and follow basic routines. The school day is planned to include a balance of large group, small group and free play times. Children are encouraged to enter into activities at their own pace and ability level. All children are challenged to explore and try new things.


What ages do we serve?

We enroll children ages 3 and 4 in our preschool program. Children must be 3 or 4 by September 1st. This cut-off date matches the requirements for entering kindergarten.


What is a "Co-op Preschool"?

Our 2 and 3-day classes are programs with cooperative parent participation. Parents work with the teacher to create a high adult-child ratio and provide a great learning environment for each child. YOU MAKE IT WORK! The success and value of any parent cooperative Preschool depends on the conscientious effort of each parent. Under the guidance of our teacher, parents gain insight into the behavior of their child in particular, as well as children in general. The benefits for you and your child will more than compensate for the day-to-day work involved in keeping the preschool functioning.


Where are we located?

We are at the corner of Main Street and Washington within the Vicksburg United Methodist Church at: 217 S Main St, Vicksburg, MI 49097


Is there a enrollment fee?

Yes. The current enrollment fee is $60.00 (only $50. if registered by June 1st). It is NON-REFUNDABLE and is put toward the start-up costs & supplies.


What is the monthly tuition?

Please see our About Us page.




What are the parent's responsibilities/commitments to the school?


What is the Preschool Board?

Hearts & Hands has an advisory board consisting of members of VUMC church and one parent representative from each class. This board assists with all the administrative aspects of the preschool, which includes setting the budget, policies and tuition.  It also is in charge of publicity for the preschool.


Can I observe a class?

Observations are welcome but need to be scheduled. Please contact Kelli Young, 649-2343 ext. 106 for more information or to schedule an appointment. (We would not want you to come when we are going on a field trip or have some other sort of change in schedule.) You may stay any or all of that time and your preschooler is welcome to come with you.